Out of the 10 Commandments, two are dedicated to a person’s neighbours. And indeed, being on friendly terms with the people who live next door to you can make life a little easier. After all, if your home is your fortress, you would not want it to be surrounded by enemy fortresses, right! But did you know that one of the most common reasons why neighbours argue is… the rubbish bin. So, we decided to present you with the Four Bin Commandments that will help keep your neighbours happy:
- Thou shalt never use other people’s bins
- Thou shalt always close the bin’s lid
- Thou shalt move thy bin off the street after it has been emptied
- Thou shalt not leave your junk on the streets
If you are not the religious type, you can view these suggestions simply as a bin etiquette guide.
Thou shalt never use other people’s bins without their permission
Your bin is full to the brim or you have a bag of smelly nappies and you do not want to stink up your own rubbish bin. It can be tempting to throw your waste into someone else’s bin but do not do it. This is a very rude thing to do. Even if you think that the people living next door to you will not notice this dirty deed, always ask them politely if you can chuck a bag of unwanted stuff in their bin if yours is already full. If you notice that your neighbour is in a similar position, go over to their place and suggest them to use yours just this one time.
Thou shalt always close the bin lid
Bins have lids for a reason. They keep bad odours at bay, prevent stray animals such as cats, dogs and foxes from accessing them, etc. So, remember to close them If you are unable to do so, either your bin has been damaged or you have overfilled it. Either way, call your local council for assistance or simply opt for quality house clearance in London to immediately solve this problem.
Thou shalt move thy bin off the street once it has been emptied
Don’t be one of those people who are too lazy to move their bin before and after waste collection days and just keep it out on the street perpetually. This can lead to traffic accidents or it may prevent your neighbours from parking their personal vehicles in front of their home. But even if the street is wide enough, the constant sight of a rubbish bin can be quite the eyesore for everyone around.
Thou shalt not discard your junk on the street
How do you dispose of an old refrigerator or a worn-out mattress? You just dump it on the street? Wrong! You call a local team of qualified junk collectors and have them come, haul and dispose of your bulky unwanted items in a swift, green and neighbour-friendly way. Otherwise, you will not only get in trouble with the people next door but you may even be fined by the local council.