How to cheaply and quickly enhance the curb appeal of your house

by Joanna Burns    May 7, 2016

You are selling your house but the interest towards your property is low! If you are having this problem, keep reading because we will present to you several quick and cheap fixes that will enhance the curb appeal of your house and allow you to sell it more rapidly.

  • Paint the front door

Front doorThe front door is the first feature of your property that people see during visitations. So apply a fresh layer of paint to not only ameliorate its appearance but also give to your house a more welcoming and cozy touch. The colour is entirely your choice but nowadays people opt for a bright and vibrant ton such as red or yellow as it attracts attention.

  • Fix your garbage door

The garbage good is as importance as your front door so examine it thoroughly and repair all the dents and cracks that you find. You can also apply a fresh coat of paint in order to enhance the curb appeal of your property.

  • Install a new mailbox

Mail boxMailboxes tend to suffer heavily from the natural elements. So as soon as you place the “For Sale” sign you should replace your old mailbox with a new one. This will not only make your property more appealing but it will also reveal to all potential buyers that the house has been property maintained by a responsible owner.

  • Check the outdoor lighting fixtures

The more illuminated your property is the more potential buyers will notice it. So, carefully check all your outdoor lighting fixtures and repair the ones that are broken. Also replace all the traditional light bulbs with their eco-friendly counterparts. This will hint to all interested parties that your house is green and more importantly it will slightly elevate its price.

  • Refresh your outdoor furnishings

Go through your outdoor furniture and throw away all the furnishings that are too damaged to be repaired or refreshed. The remainder you can restore by either repainting them or changing their old upholstery. Keep in mind that the better looking your outdoor furniture is the more people will notice your house and show a genuine interest in it.

  • Remove the rubbish from your property

Your house should be garbage-free before the visitations commence. You can easily clear the accumulate junk by using the services of a professional rubbish removal company. This way you will have the comfort of mind that the job will get done perfectly and that your property will indeed be 100% free of waste. Don’t worry about the price of rubbish removal services as nowadays most companies work with reasonable rates.

  • Add potted plants

Flower potsPlain backyard and front lawns are boring and unattractive. So if the green areas of your property lack of bushes and flowers, add pots with colourful plants and flowers. This way you will not only increase the attractiveness of your property but you will also grab the attention on random pedestrians who may turn out to be potential buyers.

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